This project was interesting because I never realized how difficult it is to simplify objects into icons. Its hard to get the idea across in the same fashion. In my project I picked a picture of a girl jumping with an umbrella. It was easy to outline with the pen tool in illustrator because of the practice I had from previous projects. I think that it looked very nice and I would like to incorporate silhouette in future artwork. Simplifying was harder because I felt the need to add more detail then was necessary to the image. I think the final outcome turned out well. Last was the elaborate and i thought that was really hard. I made snowflakes out of the girls and had them walking each other. I was kind of a twisted picture and I meant for people to have to stop and look closely at it.
All in all i really enjoyed this because it was something new and different. I think it was interesting to look at things and be able to simplify them. I have a greater respect for logos and other images that are similar to them.
Thursday, November 8, 2007
Friday, November 2, 2007
The piece that e made today in class was a representation of LeWitt. We took pieces of paper and drew shapes on them that we picked randomly from a bowl. I didn't like how it turned out because when there are random shapes like that my mind enjoys patterns and there isn't any. I think that if it turned out to be more of a pattern i would enjoy looking at it more. I mite like it more too if we did it with big black markers or if all the lines where perfectly straight. I liked the idea but just not how our piece turned out.
I participated in Jake's activity with Chris and Chris's activity with Jake. I also did Sara's performance too. I had fun doing them, they were easy and didn't take to much time. Jack's activity i had to smoke a cig with Chris and we had to light them together. That was nice because i like doing that but it was really cold outside. Chris's activity was to give high fives really fast and walk back and forth. That wasn't to fun because Jack gives really hard high fives and it made my hand sting. Sara's was fun because i had to act like Diana and pretend to act like her. It wasn't hard for me because i live with her and see her all the time. Shannon had to be me and that was weird because she doesn't know me very well. It was nice to see the activities on paper and then see them come to life.
My activity was to stand on someone else's feet and then walk with them. Thiana and Sharron did mine and I don't think they really liked doing it to much. You have to talk to the other person and predict where they will put there foot next. I got this idea from when my dad and i would do something similar when i was a little girl. He wold always have me stand on his feet and walk with him. It was a little different now because the people were bigger and didn't know each other as well. It was fun to do all of these things and see them done as well.
My activity was to stand on someone else's feet and then walk with them. Thiana and Sharron did mine and I don't think they really liked doing it to much. You have to talk to the other person and predict where they will put there foot next. I got this idea from when my dad and i would do something similar when i was a little girl. He wold always have me stand on his feet and walk with him. It was a little different now because the people were bigger and didn't know each other as well. It was fun to do all of these things and see them done as well.
Thursday, November 1, 2007
Fluxus is a latin word mean "to flow". The concept of Fluxus started with composer John Cage in his experimental music of the 1950s. Cage explored notions of chance in art. Fluxus was named and loosely organized by Maciunas. The Fluxus community began in a small but global network of artists and composers who were already at work when Maciunas met them through poet Jackson Mac Low in the early 1960s. In its early days Fluxus artists were active in Europe (especially in Germany), and Japan as well as in the United States.
People who practiced Fluxus beleived in simplicity over complexity. Like Dada before it, Fluxus included a strong current of anti-commercialism and an anti-art sensibility, disparaging the conventional market-driven art world in favor of an artist-centered creative practice. In terms of an artistic approach, Fluxus artists preferred to work with whatever materials were at hand.
Fluxus is an attitude. It is not a movement or a style. Fluxus works are simple. The art is small, the texts are short, and the performances are brief. Fluxus is fun. Humour has always been an important element in Fluxus. Fluxus canbe done by anyone at anytime and is ment to express your iner feelings and movements.
People who practiced Fluxus beleived in simplicity over complexity. Like Dada before it, Fluxus included a strong current of anti-commercialism and an anti-art sensibility, disparaging the conventional market-driven art world in favor of an artist-centered creative practice. In terms of an artistic approach, Fluxus artists preferred to work with whatever materials were at hand.
Fluxus is an attitude. It is not a movement or a style. Fluxus works are simple. The art is small, the texts are short, and the performances are brief. Fluxus is fun. Humour has always been an important element in Fluxus. Fluxus canbe done by anyone at anytime and is ment to express your iner feelings and movements.
Friday, October 26, 2007
Performance Art
In the activity that our class had to perform was to find a partner, take a mirror and stand back to back while making faces. My partner was Diana, the birthday girl. I liked being her partner because i think that in her everyday life she makes really interesting facial expression to begin with. I think it was hard to think of different faces because i couldn't see myself and if i had made the face more than once. I left like it was hard to concentrate on what i was dong when i was looking at Diana in a mirror behind me. It was something interesting and new to think about.
Thursday, October 11, 2007

The picture is about a bride and her bachelors. She gets pleasure from them with the round circular machine that is in the bottom center on the glass. Some kind of juice sprays from the machine and that is where she gets pleasure from. From the square bubble she shouts commands to the men. When she reserves what she wants she gives off and energy or juice herself that showers over them brown shapes, the men. It is one large circle and they all need each other to work.
I think it is interesting because i find it interesting what kind of opinion Marcel Duchamp had on women. That they would do anything for what they want and treat others like a factory. I think that both women and men are guilty of this. It much rather depending on the person to find this trait in my opinion but not on the sex of the person. I really do like this piece i think it is interesting how everything works together and i think that the colors and that it is made out of glass is very beautiful.
Pattern project
Being able to create and design my own pattern was very interesting. It was fun to see how one little block of shape can make all of these different pieces. I liked to figure out the different combinations and see how it can unfold. I made one design and decided I could do a lot better. My first one had to much positive space in it and didn't create the same illusion. The second unit I designed came out to be much more interesting when I tried to make patterns. There was a better balance of negative and positive space in the second unit which is why it was more interesting. I really liked the why most of the patterns came out. They where very fun to look at.
Thursday, October 4, 2007

While researching for patterns i found a lot of different and interesting one that i liked in the fabric prints. I found a few interesting patterns that Incorporated animals, cars and other random objects. It is interesting how much the flow of the pattern can change by turning one object around. The other subjects had a lot of interesting patterns as well.
I really liked looking at the Islamic architecture. Every part of the palaces and buildings had pattern in it. All the walls and door ways where painted with patterns. As i look around my room i can see patterns all over. There are patterns in the carpet, curtains, and even the blanket on my bed. The stitching in my blanket makes a pattern and also the fabric on my couch. Patterns are everywhere simple and complex you just have to stop and look to see them.
Thursday, September 27, 2007
Wednesday, September 19, 2007
Thursday, September 13, 2007
The line activity was interesting because we got to tie everything up in the room and tie each other too. I was tied to Chris and he was in a chair. Jake was tied to us too and so was Thiana. Jake and Thiana tied us up and i lost my string. Another chair was tied to us as well and it was falling on top of us. The string was going so many different ways, through our legs and around our heads. I was tied so tight that when the fire alarm went off Chris and i had to stay because we couldn't move. Untangling ourselves took forever. I thought it was a lot of fun because it was something different and we got to have fun. I think we should do more things like that.
Friday, September 7, 2007

1.) Which of the images a,b,c,or,d are lines?
I don't think that any of the examples are lines. They all look to contain mass and volume.
2.)Which of the images a,b,c,or d are shapes?
All of these images are shapes. They all expand and look as if they contain mass and look solid.
3.)What makes a line?
A line is a series of dots. A line dose not have mass,
4.) What is a shape?
A shape is a solid mass. It can be held and thouched. They are made up of lines that are conected.
Thursday, September 6, 2007

When viewing this oil painting the first thing that jumps out to the eye is the left half of the painting which is black . In the center of the black area is a figure that appears to be a figure that is very small in size. It is lit from behind with yellow and orange tones. On the right side of the painting are two more figures much larger than the figure on the left. One is completely black and the other is yellow and brown. The right side of the painting is illuminated with yellow and white. This side is much brighter that the right side. The paitning moves from the top right corner and down to the center left where the smaller figure is . There are few sharp lines, most of them are concentrated in the upper right corner. The rest are wavy and organic.
The feeling I get when looking at this pictuer is dark and encloesed but in a warm way. The two figures on the rightright look like people. I think that the darker one in the forgrownd is Jesus. They look like they are ingaged in converstation. They both are sitting at a table looking at oneanother. The figure on the left is farther away and looks like a person as well. He seems to be working. It makes me feel like he is putting wood on a fire becuase it is illuminated with yellow and looks warm. He is not in the converstation with the other two men.
I really enjoy this pictuer overall. I like the colors and the placement of the figures. The colors are pleaseing to me and i like the dark and enclosed feeling i get from it. I think that the image is very clear and very well painted. The engagment on the one mans face, the only face that is visable is personal and emotional.
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